
Thoughts and programming experiments.

What I'm Doing Now

Last Updated: 02 May, 2024, from Europe

Full-Stack Web Dev

Course Work

I'm using Codecademy for this and I'm about 45% through the course.

Jammming Project

More info can be found here: Jammming

Task Organizer Project

I'm working on a project that will allow me to organize tasks in a more visual way and let me work through the list similar to working through a stack of post-it notes. It uses the Todoist API for this and will allow anyone to use the app by connecting to their Todoist account. For now, this is really something just for my own purposes.

Pass German A1

I'm using Busuu for this and currently 81% through the course.

Woodworking: Completed PC Shelf

The PC shelf has some wire that needs to be trimmed but otherwise it's done. The excess wire is tucked aside for now until I can trim it.

MineCraft Server

Setup an MC server using Exaroton and also created a pirate themed mod pack for it using CurseForge. The mod pack will be uploaded to if anyone wants to download and play it.

Building a keyboard

Still haven't made much progress here due to other projects taking priority. Although I'm leaving it on the list because I do want to come back to it this year.

I need to get a few tools but the idea is to modify the Sweep Mini (e.g. adding screw holes for a tenting puck or mounting holes for a case). I'll then print the PCB and order the remaining parts to finish the build over a weekend in November. I also plan to make a custom case for it out of wood and attach some tent pucks to the case.